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D3 Season 12 What Is the Best Lvl Roll for Gear UPDATED

D3 Season 12 What Is the Best Lvl Roll for Gear

vigd's picture

Sun, 11/17/2019 - 05:46 #i


How-do-you-do! Welcome to the (updated)Skeletal Mage Suite! Previously, this was an information page - it now works as a script! Think of this every bit an all-in-ane script folio for Skeletal Mages, every bit always, mileage varies; pick your poisonous substance and mix and match to your hearts content! At that place is a Rift script in the link above likewise, if you lot accept whatever other questions, as always, you can detect me on theRoS-BoTDiscord  or shoot me a message on here. If the images in a higher place don't load for y'all, you lot tin can discover the D3planner  and the MP  here.

Season 24 D3planner:

Run Expectations

-GPH:~22 , rifts should be as fast equally possible, >22-24
-EPH: Again, as high every bit possible, this is influenced by a few things such equally...

  • GR: Y'all want something that will ideally never go over iii minutes unless it's a real stinker
  • Keys: Stacked, 1r3gr, there are a few options. Ideally when you start, 1r3gr is fine for the near function because of how your pools run out. All the same....
  • RFP: When you lot kickoff this, a good guideline is to follow Keys Full/Looted  - get this number into the negatives. It won't happen straight away, but...
  • Having this into the negatives means that yourPool RNGis very skilful - that's what we want for RFP!
  • CFP - This is a new feature added after this script was made but it's basicallyRFP with guaranteed pools and less timebut no keys gained. Endeavour information technology out!
  • Deaths/Fails- You are going to accept this regardless if you lot are a seasonal player - ideally you want 0/0 but it's non going to happen. However, for non-flavour,deaths kill eph. Higher paragon players need to stop these at all costs,especially when doing stacked runs . It is the single worst killer of EPH at that level, a death early on on is going to cause you a significant chunk of EPH later on.

Skeletal Mage Necromancer is very gear-dependent (equally of November 2020, the virtually gear dependent buildfor the bot in the game). A selection of the of import stats are detailed below:

- CDR . This is the be all and end all of the builds; they rely on it, they function properly with it, and if you don't have it, you dont have EPH. This stat needs to exist prioritized after you lot go your gear pieces ancient and ready to go.
- Essence : Some other sleeper stat. It's not as insane as a x% harm coil on a weapon, just missing points here and at that place will kill your DPS in a similar fashion. This is something to watch out for - it doesen't come upwardly in stats, information technology'southward a D3planner 1 (check it out there for proper dmg rolls)
- Secondaries : Ok, and so you have proper rolls for all your gear; you have a perfect trifecta jewellery set and your EPH nevertheless sucks. What gives? You are missing your secondary rolls! While not equally important during the get-go of the Necro's lifecycle, they practice add up and they have a measurable impact on your performance at higher levels. What are they?

  • Pickup: Helm, Shoulders, Gloves, Chest, Belt, Pants, Boots, Bracers ( 16 )
  • Control Impairing: Rings (upwards to lxxx ) Why? Affixes freeze/impairment/stun/move your mages effectually....that's bad.
  • Damage Reduction: Amulet, Chest, (Enchantress*) Bracers** ( 7 melee, 7 ranged, xi elite damage reduction)

- Higher Paragon: Aye, gear changes as fourth dimension goes on, some things are better than others. What are they?

  • Armor (This keeps you live suprisingly well, yous tin can go it on Shoulders, Chest, Belt, Pants, Boots - with your rubies yous are aiming for 11-12k)
  • Surface area damage (Yes, petsdo proc this, it'south just some other damage padder but it works, you want information technology on your shoulders and your offhand)
    • A general rule of thumb is to coil off Vitality when you can besides (9k+ paragon) Stuff like Chest and Shoulders are a good instance of this.

- Life Rolls : And so, yous accept gear that you can roll to %life.... merely you are 3000 paragon. Beginning of all, the goal of %life is to boost your max life with ease rather than dumping points into it in your paragon. So, when you arroyo this stat, make sure you actually have a good vitality base on your gear before you whorl %life (similar the aforementioned 3k, no vitality on chest? Do we run life? no, we run vitality)

And then, to recap: (in order of importance)

  1. Normal gear rolls - Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Attack speed etc
  2. Proper base toughness rolls - no  %life stacking without proper vitality!
  3. CDR - 63%
  4. Essence - 330
  5. Pickup - 16
  6. Armor - 11k+
  7. Control - 80%
  8. Area Harm - 40% (for the big boys)
  9. Reduction - 7 melee*, 7 ranged, 11 elite
    • ​​ Melee roll conflicts with pickup on bracers so its at your discretion - y'all tin can selection it upwards on ammy also

Ok, and then there are a few crucial things to know well-nigh the skills in these scripts:

  • Simulacrum (for both scripts): Left Mouse button.

For any of y'all that want to get the extra mile, or don't yet know about how the mages work, I accept a few sources that detail a few things y'all tin can't really discover on sites like DiabloFans or IcyVeins. To start with:

- What buffs Mage damage?
- Why practise we roll damage reduction, what is most effective?
- I have l% Tasker and Theos, there are definitely breakpoints, why don't you talk almost them? Oh really?
- You accomplish the only relevant breakpoint simply by wearing Taskers, you recieve pure damage buffs from attack rolls on your gear (retrieve %damage)

Rifts (and pools):

- Necromancer is suprisingly good at getting pools! The full general strategy forRFP is to gofurther, while keeping up speed (killing monsters and progression). Equally at that place is just always 1 pool (reflection, xp pool) per map, going fast while clearing slow, while as well clearing maps quick is the key - something Necromancer is practiced at! I large change you tin make to your gear is to take offNemesis Bracers to stop the automatic ~five% progression per shrine/pylon, and to change your Exploration Distance (already done for you), aslope other variouscaching strategies such equally not picking progression orbs orelites (this volition require tinkering on your end). In doing so, you tin raise your pool average to very high levels (I've personally gotten it close to ii over 8-12 hours!)


- Mage go fast impale stuff good
- Brand sure gear rolls proper to get fast kill practiced
- Dont use stuff yous shouldnt that makes Mages not kill fast no good
- Read gear guides to optimise get fast impale good speed
- If you have whatsoever questions almost making Mage go faster and impale gooder I'll exist in Discord (vigd)

                  - "Is this build ameliorate than DH?"                
  • Demon Hunter is amend in every way. If you are looking for a Barbarian script, I would suggest my own.  Information technology has all the information you need at whatever paragon/gear range. If you lot are looking for a Demon Hunter script, here is one too

                  - "Is this build better than Bone Spear?"                
  • Bone Spearis not fast and is not meliorate inT16 thanMages,  but is better forXP, so use that if you are going to employ the arsenal feature.

                  - "I'chiliad getting armory bug when using Bone Spear/other script, how practice i fix this?"                
  • Follow the planners and make sure your skills are in the exact order as we accept placed them (this goes for all builds, follow the planners)
- "The bot is getting stuck at pylon/portal/vendor! What'due south going wrong?"
  • ​Follow the planner!
- "I'g ping-ponging on the spot! what's wrong with the script?
  • Remove yourpet, the bot thinks information technology is an enemy.

While you are reading this, why non add a similar to the script? Likes heighten scripts on the primary script page so it helps your swain botters out with finding and using scripts like these - if you enjoyed this then surely others will also!

Lastly,if you experience like doing so, purchase me a coffee! Everything helps and I'm very grateful for any support yous guys think I deserve:

Many thanks to the OG crew who helped make the original VigLoN:

  • Binsu(The og script daddy - this homo was the encephalon behind the start of VigLoN, requite him props)
  • thezed(Besides a longtime tester, he was with me for months helping out, a good portion of the pattern ideas came from him)
  • HOTT(Bruh, thanks homo; your data and input on the piffling things sped the process up significantly - also formatting!)
  • Anders -Toxic(Hey! At present y'all dont have to wait and help for beta; its all hither! I appreciate your help human being)
  • dasOp (Another huge help..helper...heh...Anyway, this guy spent long hours theorycrafting and discussing with me, kudos to him)
  • Sara(How many times did you tell me the pickit broke :) A little bit of everything I worked on went through this gal, massive help, let her know!)
  • Tuhwin(This man's communication turned the script from a noob'southward attempt into something that might resemble something expert someday, very grateful)
  • lifo2(One of the commencement "college" paragon testers, gave me a good insight into what I needed to change for some of the NS scripts)
  • LordSidious (this guy LUL what a classic bro, nobody has gotten a 62.5x buff to their eph before, what a god... thanks human)
  • NinjaDaddy(I hope you get your deserved eph now bro, you earned it)
  • » Ĝ ħ ó ŝ Ť ʕ•̬͡•ʔ (Some other big boi, helped me piece of work out what I needed for the Squirts and high para COE scripts)
  • DustyOne(Astonishing writeups human being, thank you for all your analysis on the issues that y'all had, they helped iron out a lot)
  • Antidot(Similarly to lifo, this guy provided a lot of data for me to go through - skillful stuff)
  • Sunblood(This guy came along when NS testing was in full swing, the control runs he did for me helped me out incredibly. Thanks!)
  • Holycow(Another large boi, testing on NS COE+ Squirts, helping out with avoids/fastmode/scripting, big help human)
  • Natu(NS eph is good stuff isnt it? Thanks for the Squirts testing)
  • Cyp(VSSWINTA sound familiar? You all know him, cheers for the insight on lower geared options)
  • Benny(You can't really test something without pushing the upper bounds of its capability - thats where this guy comes in. Thanks man!)

18.11 - Updated d3planners, full general tidy, checkup on scripts and profiles to make them more pretty. Also released VigLoN! 21.11 - Flavor Starter Update - tidied up the seasonal starter scripts, optimised both T16 and GR builds. Full changelog here 6.12 - Seasonal Update - optimised all the seasonal scripts, buffed fastmodes, avoids, and pickits, roughly twenty% EPH boost. Full changelog here 18.three.xx - Season 20 Update - Changed various builds to piece of work better with Messerschmidts Reaver procs, also optimized T16 26.03.20 - Flavor 20 Update 1.i - Slightly updated T16 script and GR script for more speed for enthusiasts  6.4.20 - Flavour xx Update 1.2 - Published GR Boosted script for Flavor 20! 20.4.20 - Season xx Update 1.3 - Polished the visual entreatment of all scripts, improved readability and re-routed all mps, scripts and links to exist easier to follow 21.five.20 - United nations-flavour'd stuff and made it clearer every bit to what was used and what wasnt, also visually updated all scripts to include links to my other works sixteen.11.twenty - Updated and modernized the script in anticipation for Season 22 and Bone Spear! 25.11.20 - Updated D3planners for Season 22 (rifts) 5.12.xx - Updated D3planners again (Season 22) xix.2.21 - Updated D3planners and fabricated it easier to look and digest the content + added a department on RFP in the mechanics  explanation + tried to ready town stuck trouble 1.four.21 - Updated D3planners for Season 23 + new follower patch                

My Other scripts

General settings



D3 Season 12 What Is the Best Lvl Roll for Gear UPDATED

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